***Money, money,
who’s got the money?:
With continuing revelations about dioceses paying hush money to silence
victims of sex abuse and to cover up their criminal negligence, the faithful
in the pews have good reason to be skittish about plunking their hard-earned
dollars in the collection basket. How much will go to enrich lawyers
both those representing the victims and diocesan lawyers defending their
bishops? [Hmm…has a bishop ever sent his lawyer to defend a Catholic
pro-lifer arrested while trying to save babies at an abortion mill?] How
many parochial schools and parishes in the U.S. have been "consolidated"
so property could be sold to pay the price of perversion? Multi-millions
have gone up in smoke already with heaven knows how many more lawsuits
coming! When the big judgments roll down, what Church assets will be sold
to pay the bill? [We nominate two: Archbishop Weakland's wreckovated
cathedral and Cardinal Mahony's Rog Mahal complete with food court but
honestly…who would want them?]
Insurance will cover it, you say?
Not likely. In 1990 a one million-dollar judgment was levied against
the Archdiocese of Minneapolis/St. Paul and the Diocese of Winona for
sex abuse by a priest dating back to the 70s. The insurer refused to pay
because the bishops knew about the priest for 15 years and should have
expected he'd do it again. The company won in court and the dioceses paid
the bill. Patrick J. Schiltz, interim dean of the University of St. Thomas
School of Law in Minneapolis, who has represented dioceses in sexual misconduct
cases says, "In all of these hundreds of millions of dollars in damages,
a very tiny percentage is going to get picked up by insurance." So who
pays? Look in the mirror the faithful in the pew. Which brings us to
a point a friend has been making for months and we quote: "NEVER PUT
[And give nothing, not a plug nickel, if you're in a parish where heresy
is being preached from the pulpit.]
*** Is it just a coincidence
coincidence that many of the bishops named in the recent
scandals are icons of modernist dissent in the Catholic Church in America?
Weakland, the highest ranking accused [so far] , has persecuted
the Milwaukee faithful since the ‘70s destroying churches, punishing orthodox
priests, gutting the liturgy, etc. His resignation is long overdue. Bishop
Lynch of St. Petersburg, FL, accused of both sexual harassment and financial
irregularities, made news for banning perpetual adoration in his diocese.
Mahony, who hired a public relations firm
to polish his tarnished image, [And just who is paying for that,
pray tell?] uses his West Coast Religious Education conference to
feature the most malicious faith-wreckers in the country. The list goes
on and on. But there aren't many good guys in this story. When two thirds
of the bishops in the U.S. are implicated in the transfer and cover-up
of sexual predators, is it any wonder their record in fighting contraception
and abortion is so abysmal? As Pogo said, "We've seen the enemy and it's
*** Take a rest from bishop news…ants
have feelings too!
Affective education and values clarification have created
a generation of morons who can't tell the difference between man and beast.
We all know "ethicist" Pete Singer thinks babies have fewer rights than
piglets. Now another liberal loon speaks. Stephanie Boyles of People for
the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently said, "Ants are sentient
beings, like we are, and have a right to life like we do, and they shouldn't
be shown the level of disrespect the producers of ant farms show them."
[Stephanie, get a life!]
***Back to the bishops…as if the sex
scandals aren’t bad enough the August
12th document on Jewish/Catholic relations, Reflections on Covenant
and Mission, released by the Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious
Affairs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) repudiates
2000 years of Catholic teaching on evangelization. According to the committee,
"campaigns that target Jews for conversion to Christianity are no longer
theologically acceptable in the Catholic Church." [Huh?? Did Jesus
goof when He said, "Go forth and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit?]
The new joint goal according to Rabbi Gilbert Rosenthal quoted on the
USCCB website is "the healing of a sick world and the imperative to repair
the damage we humans have caused to God's creations." If the committee
is right, Jesus misinterpreted His mission to bring the good news to the
"lost sheep of the house of Israel." [What was He thinking? And how
to explain that embarrassing Pentecost sermon from that ignorant fisherman?]
The committee document, as usual, claims Vatican II as the source
of this nonsense. [Do they never tire of this disingenuous claptrap?]
Criticism of the document was immediate and Cardinal
Keeler, the bishops' moderator for Catholic-Jewish relations, backpedaled
furiously on August 16th saying the document "does not represent a formal
position taken by the USCCB or the bishops committee." [They never
do.] Fr. John Echert of Mother Angelica's EWTN network called the
document an “embarrassment (that) lacks any teaching authority….
If a document such as this gains approval, as it currently stands, I will
seriously consider the prospect that we are moving into one of the signs
of the end times; namely, apostasy." [The moral: If it came from
a committee of the USCCB, caveat emptor!]
***Always Our Children pops up again.
One of the most infamous documents ever published
by the USCC (now USCCB), Always Our Children, promoted acceptance
of homosexuality as normal. It continues to be used in many dioceses in
the U.S. as agitprop for the gay lifestyle. Released by a committee, it
was never voted on by the bishops and was so bad Rome ordered changes.
Now AOC is out again, masquerading as a "support group" for parents and
friends of gays held at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C. At
least two parishes in Arlington have advertised it: St. Bernadette's in
Springfield and All Saints in Manassas. Is it orthodox? Unlikely. It's
advertised in The Washington Blade, the notorious homosexual
weekly. The Blade carries no ads for Courage or Encourage, support
groups founded by Fr. John Harvey that adhere completely to the teachings
of the Church on chastity.
St. Matthews has a well-deserved reputation as a gay
enclave as obituaries in The Blade demonstrate. Tom Sena who
died last year was an "office manager for Dignity USA," a radically pro-sodomy
organization of gay Catholics. The obit also said, "He attended St. Matthew's
Cathedral, where he served as a communion helper and religious instructor."
[Exactly what was this gay activist teaching?] Tom also sang
with the Gay Men's Chorus (GMC) which performed at his funeral. From other
obits in the Blade it appears GMC is a funeral regular at St. Matt's.
[The average life span for gay men is the early 40s. Support groups
that equate loving your children with tolerating their sin contributes
to the perverted lifestyle that kills young men in the prime of life.
Is a group named after a scandalous pro-homosexual document, operating
in a parish that exposes children to a gay activist likely to be orthodox?
Final question: would you feel "comfortable" letting the AOC group take
your teenage son on a campout? What a thought!]
***Despite all the “10%” hype, gays
represent about 2% of the population. They've
multiplied their influence through support groups like Parents and Friends
of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) whose philosophy is "love the sinner, accept
the sin." Parent support groups are crucial to the gay movement. They
lend legitimacy and swell the ranks. Why do parents defend a lifestyle
that's killing their children? It's a lot easier than facing rage for
condemning sodomy as lethal to both body and soul. Parents who lovingly
stand for the truth are beacons of light. Even if their children reject
them, their loving constancy can pierce the darkness like a lighthouse
in a storm. Parents today face many sinful situations with their children.
We can only rescue them by prayer and by clinging to the truths of the
***Where have all the heroes gone? Keep
looking. Holy priests exist. And, yes, even bishops. You'll find them
laboring quietly in the vineyard: hearing confessions many hours during
the week, spending their modest stipends to support the work of crisis
pregnancy centers and apologetics apostolates like ours, kneeling before
the Blessed Sacrament, refuting error by doggedly preaching the truth,
visiting the sick, and encouraging the faithful to persevere. Remember,
we get the priests we deserve. Pray and fast for holy clerics!
***While we’re on the subject of heroes…
we want to recognize one of our favorites, bulldog Mark
Crutcher of Life Dynamics (LD) who is hot on the trail of Planned Parenthood
(PP). Recently a young LD staffer with a sweet voice called every PP "clinic"
in the country posing as a 13-year-old girl pregnant by an older man.
In states where it was legal, LD taped the calls. Not one clinic employee
tried to protect the "child" from sex abuse by an adult. Over and over
employees instructed her not to mention her age when she came for the
abortion or she "would get her boyfriend in trouble." One worker said,
"you've already told me too much" and referred her to another mill warning
her not to tell. The employees obviously knew they were dealing with statutory
rape, but they chose to protect the predator, not the victim. [Does
this sound familiar?] Their actions are ILLEGAL. LD has two lawsuits
against PP in the works, one against a clinic that aborted an 11 year
old impregnated by a 75 year old man, another where an adult male drove
to a neighboring state to have the same minor girl aborted TWICE at the
same mill in the course of seven months. No questions asked! We always
knew PP killed innocent unborn children. We're just now learning the full
extent of their duplicity in aiding and abetting predatory males who molest
young girls. [But, hey, it pays the rent…so.bring ‘em on down!]
***The media is all over this, right?
The papers castigating the bishops for covering up
sex abuse by priests MUST be having a field day going after PP for doing
the same thing, right? Well, not exactly. Headlines describe how "abortion
foes entrap" clinic workers and use "deceptive" practices. [Funny…When
the media sends undercover reporters to Giant to document beef mishandling,
they're praised for investigative journalism. When LD imitates them, they're
"deceptive." Just goes to show…there's a difference between cows and sacred
***Wisdom from a favorite saint…"Those
who commit these types of scandals are guilty of the spiritual equivalent
of murder, but I'm here among you to prevent something far worse for you.
While those who give scandal are guilty of the spiritual equivalent of
murder, those who take scandal — who allow scandals to destroy their faith
— are guilty of spiritual suicide." St. Francis de Sales
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