1. Protest Jesuit support for The Vagina
Monologues. Write a courteous letter asking for implementation of
Ex Corde Ecclesiae, the document requiring schools to act according
to Catholic doctrine. Address it to the President of the U.S. Jesuit Conference,
Fr. Brad Schaeffer, S.J., 1616 P St. NW Suite 300, Washington D.C. 20036-1420.
Send copies to the Apostolic Nuncio, Most Rev. Gabriel Montalvo, 3339
Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20008; and to the Prefect of
the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, His Eminence Cardinal
Zenon Grocholewski S.J., Piazza Pio XII 3, 00193 Rome, Italy. See our
website for a sample letter.
2. URGENT! Ask Gov. Mark Warner to sign HB 1402,
Parental Consent for Abortion. States with parental laws see big drops
in teen abortion. The General Assembly meets April 2nd for a one-day veto
session. The bill passed with a “veto-proof” majority in both
houses, but Warner publicly opposed it. If he can gain votes to sustain
a veto he will. Call, write, or email: Gov. Mark Warner, State Capitol,
3rd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219, Phone: (804) 786-2211, Fax: (804)
371-6351. Contact your delegate and senator to support this legislation
in case of a veto. Office addresses at
3. Pray like everything depends on God. Work like everything
depends on you.
of Contents