Bishops Implement Talking about Walking Call Safe-Pedestrian Programs
a Priority
Many orthodox Catholic parents have expressed concern
over the Bishops’ Charter adopted in Dallas in 2000. The Charter
fails to address a primary cause of the sex abuse scandal, i.e., homosexual
priests molesting adolescent boys. Instead, the bishops are targeting
children with “safe environment” programs that violate their
innocence and usurp the rights of parents. The tongue-in-cheek article
below came to us without attribution. Please pray for bishops, especially
Bishop Loverde. Editor
Press Conference – Washington, D.C. – January
31, 2004
Statement by Bishop Wilton D. Gregory, President of the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Thank you all for coming. When the bishops of the Roman
Catholic Church first encountered vehicular homicide by our clergy, we
saw it as a locomotor failing to be addressed by practice. Later, we viewed
these tendencies as substance abuse, which doctors suggested could be
controlled, if not cured. Most of today’s specialists believe otherwise.
The law rightly makes it clear that leaving the scene of a collision involving
a fatal injury is a crime. We have all been enlightened. We continue to
learn from our experiences and, hopefully, even more from our mistakes.
Today, heightened seminary-screening processes attempt
to identify and weed out unpromising motorists. Workshops are designed
to help people define and understand thoroughfares, with the assurance
that the law will address those unable to abide by them. We have urged
our dioceses to form review boards of laity and professionals to assist
in evaluating moving violations as soon as the citations are received
and to review fitness for service.
Last year the Catholic Church provided social services
to 11 million people and health care to more than 77 million patients
– fewer than 4 percent of whom were run down by senior ecclesiastics
with a pint of Johnny Walker on their laps. We apologize and regret the
pain of all those who have been affected by this horror more than these
words can convey. Thank you.
Jerry Filteau, CNS: Bishop Gregory, is it
true that it was not Johnny Walker but Paul Marcoux that was on Bishop
O’Brien’s lap?
Gregory: Since Bishop O’Brien’s arraignment
has taken place, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on any aspects
of his case. Besides, many of the so-called victims are not as innocent
as they appear. They can be quite “street-wise.” [laughter]
Larry Stammer, LAT: Bishop Gregory, what
steps are the bishops taking to ensure that such tragedies do not happen
Gregory: We have implemented a nationwide education
program mandatory for all pedestrians called Talking about Walking.
In it we help parents, civil authorities, and educators confront their
fears about discussing massive intracranial trauma and develop strategies
for pedestrian safety, such as wearing fluorescent orange vests when out
of doors and remaining seventy-five feet back from any public thoroughfare,
“walking the extra mile” to the nearest pedestrian underpass,
Stammer: Can you give us an example of how the
program works?
Gregory: Let me read you a vignette from one of
the role-playing modules. “Brian is a 32-year-old Capricorn with
a friendly smile and no dependents. He wanted to walk to the Seven-Eleven
to buy a quart of Diet Coke and a newspaper. Then he remembered that Archbishop
Artie’s 400-series BMW has a 144-foot braking zone at 55 mph. So
he changed into a Day-Glo yellow Spandex shirt and leggings, donned elbow
and knee pads, borrowed a high-impact motorcycle helmet from his friend
Keith, strapped cyclist’s flashing-light bracelets to his wrists
and ankles – then stayed put in his living room and phoned in a
strong, clear voice to have a pizza delivered to his home instead. Brian
sang the TAW theme-song: “Better to eat a pizza that’s cold,
than to become one on the road.” As you see, our motto is Putting
Pedestrians Primo.
Francis Clines, NYT: Bishop Gregory, in
general, does the Catholic Church have a dogma or anything about fleeing
the scene of a fatal accident?
Gregory: We’re on a learning curve here.
The Church – excuse me, I meant the church – is no different
from other institutions in this respect. Until recently we simply didn’t
have the technical knowledge to be certain that, say a paperboy squashed
flat by a monsignor’s Oldsmobile might not turn out to be a squirrel
or a possum transformed into human shape by a spell cast by an evil magician.
Fleeing seemed the normal thing to do. Now we know better. But it’s
a mistake to judge what happened in the past by what we’ve learned
from cutting-edge scientific findings.
Michael Paulson, Boston Globe: Bishop Gregory,
if it transpires that Bishop O’Brien is duly convicted of criminal
negligence, manslaughter, failure to inform law enforcement authorities,
and leaving the scene of an accident, what do you think would be the appropriate
sentence on the part of the court?
Gregory: Counseling.
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