Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
Dr. J.P.M. Lelkins and Professor Gianluigi
Gigli who championed the rights of the
disabled to food and water. (See The Twilight Zone) May Blessed Mother
Teresa who loved those whom others abandoned intercede for them.
To TX pharmacist Gene Herr & WI pharmacist
Neil Noesen who refused to fill prescriptions
for abortifacient birth control drugs. Herr and two unnamed associates
were fired by Eckerd Corp. for their conscientious stand. Noesen, who
works for K-Mart, faces possible loss of his license. Note that entire
fields of professional employment are becoming closed to serious Catholics.
Without conscience clause legislation, employees will either be forced
into material cooperation with evil or refuse and be fired. (In a related
story, the Supreme Court of California ordered March 1 that Catholic Charities
must provide birth control insurance coverage to employees.) May Saints
Cosmas and Damien, medical doctors and twin brothers martyred under Diocletian,
intercede for all doctors, pharmacists and other medical personnel persecuted
for embracing the truth of the gospel and resisting evil.
Millstone Award
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To Clergy
who knowingly give sacrilegious Communion to obstinate
public sinners. We invoke the intercession of St. Peter Julian Eymard
who devoted his life to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. May his prayers bring
enlightenment to the minds of bishops and priests who teach their flock
disbelief in the real presence by their scandalous disregard of sacrilege.
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