![]() E-mail from heaven: Is your computer on?St. Peter Julian Eymard, a good friend of the Cure of Ars, spent his entire life fostering devotion to the Holy Eucharist. Pope John XXIII at his canonization honored him as a perfect adorer of the Blessed Sacrament. Listen and imitate. THE REAL PRESENCE "If love for the Eucharist dies out in a heart, faith vanishes therein, indifference holds sway, and into this night of the soul vices come forth like wild beasts seeking their prey." Does this not explain our problem in the Church where Mass attendance has dropped 75% since the close of Vatican II? HOLY COMMUNION "Through Holy Communion Jesus Christ is born, develops, and perfects Himself within us. If we but knew the gifts and virtues that Communion brings to us, we would continuously long for it." THE EUCHARIST AND CHRISTIAN PERFECTION "Virtue is a cutting from Calvary, which Our Lord entrusts to us in order that we may cultivate it with blood and tears...Virtue demands struggles in which we must be clever, skillful, and vigilant. We are faced by a shifty enemy, who varies his tactics endlessly. If you have nothing but piety and sentiment with which to combat him, you will not be able to counteract his stratagems nor perceive them in time." ON SUFFERING "Be convinced of this: the state of suffering comes always from God. It is the state He chooses for our greater good and for the sake of granting us some very special grace." IN THE LIGHT OF THE MONSTRANCE "The just walk
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