Reader Sends Encouragement on GTBT
Congratulations! I read in The Wanderer that Bishop Loverde has abandoned
the Good Touch Bad Touch (GTBT) program.
I wrote the bishop a letter about his appointment of Joe Gartlan to
his local review board. Hope he changes his mind about that mistake also!
Keep up the good work.
Richard Vanderbilt Melbourne, FL Re Terri Schiavo –
“Follow the Money”
"Follow the money".
College, retirement, real estate investment, new businesses
– so many people who don't live in Florida look to Florida for these
things. Let's get Florida's businesses to address Terri’s plight
to their legislature starting today.
My oldest daughter is a type-one diabetic and wears an
insulin pump. My youngest is pretty athletic and is interested in water-skiing.
Can I trust they would be kept alive in Florida if either were hospitalized
with brain damage? Could I take them out of the state for care after they
are 18, or 21? If this can happen to Terri with all the evidence presented,
what about my kids, my parents?
Ave Maria University in Naples, FL is one of the top
choices for college for my children, along with Franciscan, and Christendom.
I sent the following letter to Ave Maria University, Naples Campus:
Both of my daughters are very interested in Ave Maria.
They are currently a high school junior and a freshman. Their Dad and
I have encouraged this interest. My concern is that, should one of them
become sick or injured while in Florida, could there be unpleasant dealings
with the State of Florida as in the Terri Schiavo case? All Florida
universities and businesses should be considering the effect of this
case on newcomers. As good as Ave Maria is, the Terri Schiavo / Florida
court situation is causing us to reconsider Ave Maria as a choice for
their education.
Patricia Janeski
Elmira, NY
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