***Need a “safe” babysitter? Get a gay guy!
Meeting with Directors of Religious Education in April,
Victim Assistance Coordinator, Jennifer Alvaro, was asked the following
question. “According to the John Jay study, 80% of the abuse that
precipitated this crisis was by priests abusing boys. Since this training
is supposed to alert DREs to warning signals that might indicate potential
for abuse, wouldn't it be a good idea to include homosexuality as one
of the signs of abuse, and to discuss it?" Alvaro’s answer:
Those who committed the abuse were not homosexuals and “in fact,
children are safer with homosexuals than with heterosexuals.” [No
joke – she really said it! If she’s right, homosexuality should
be a seminary requirement and only homosexuals should be allowed to teach
in Catholic schools and CCD programs!] Les Femmes sent letters
[posted on our website] to both Alvaro and the bishop on April 29
asking for clarification of this mind-boggling and patently absurd statement.
We’re still waiting for answers. [We won’t get one from
Alvaro. The June 10 issue of The Herald announced her resignation.]
Do the bishop and chancery officials agree that children are safer with
homosexuals? [Your Excellency?] Let’s hope not. Homosexuals
represent about 2% of the population, but commit more than a third of
sex abuse crimes. Look at it this way: 100 men (two homos and 98 heteros)
abuse 300 kids. The two homos diddle 105 between them (all boys). The
ninety-eight heteros abuse 195. Which men are bigger abusers? [Duh!]
The media is complicit in covering up the homosexual nature of the sex
abuse crisis. Unfortunately, they’re getting plenty of help from
chancery bureaucrats.
***Which brings us to Fr. Stephen J. Rossetti, the
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) favorite sex “expert”
and Arlington’s choice to address our priests at the biannual priests’
convocation held in two sessions May 24-28 in Fairfield, PA. The topic
for the meeting was “the joy of the priesthood.” Fr. Rossetti
is CEO of St. Luke Institute in Silver Spring, MD, a controversial treatment
center founded by a homosexual priest who died of AIDS. For years part
of their “treatment” for priests with problems was a test
measuring the patient’s arousal response while viewing pornography.
[Out of modesty we prefer not to describe how it was done. Suffice it
to say the slang term for the measuring device is the “peter meter.”]
In a June 9 e-mail to Judie Brown of ALL Fr. Rossetti said, “One
of my first acts as the President of Saint Luke Institute was to discontinue
using the penile plethysmographies. No pornographic pictures or suggestive
materials are allowed on site for any reason.” Sounds good!
So we did a little more research and this is what we
found. Fr. Rossetti succeeded Fr. Canice Connors in 1996, but as recently
as April 2002, a Baltimore Sun article on St. Luke described the
test and quoted Dr. Fred Berlin (a Kinsey disciple and former St. Luke
employee) defending it. So the test was apparently still being done six
years after Rossetti took the helm. If getting rid of it was one of his
“first acts” he wasn’t working much.
So we e-mailed Fr. Rossetti on June 10 sending him the
Baltimore Sun article and asking a few questions. “Since
you have been practicing at St. Luke for over a decade, a period when
the penile plethysmography was part of the standard protocol, did you
use it with your patients? If yes, how many? I've attached an article
I have from the Baltimore Sun (April 2, 2002) which seems to indicate
the test was still going on after you became president of St. Luke. Can
you please clarify? When did you become president…and when did you
cancel use of the test?” Fr. Rossetti e-mailed back saying, “we
discontinued using or recommending the use of the penile plethysmography
shortly after I became the President. When I was in a position to make
a decision about the test, I did so. Since that time, it has not been
used or recommended to my knowledge.” Well that failed to answer
our very specific questions so we e-mailed again repeating the three questions.
“What date did St. Luke discontinue the penile plethysmography?
Was the penile plethysmography being used in 2002 as the Baltimore Sun
article indicated? Did you use the test with your patients during your
eleven years at St. Luke?” This was the reply: “Thank you
for your interest...if you need additional information about SLI, please
feel free to access our website at
I have attached some information that I put together for those who want
more personal information on me. [A document entitled “what I
believe and how I pray.”] There is also personal information
on the website. I am off for several weeks to give workshops in Australia
and New Zealand. Please say a prayer. Thanks.” No answers.
So, did Fr. Rossetti eliminate the porn and test as one
of his “first acts?” Or did the Baltimore Sun have it right
and it was still in place six years later? Is Fr. Rossetti the man he
portrays in his personal description or is he a politician protecting
his $300 a day facility where dioceses often send priests for MONTHS at
a time? [Do the math.] We’re asking questions, but not getting
many answers.
***Fr. Rossetti has an interesting background. Graduating
from the Air Force Academy in 1973, he was an active duty intelligence
officer for six years. Later he was ordained for the diocese of Syracuse
and worked in two parishes before becoming Director of Education for the
House of Affirmation, another questionable treatment center based in Whitinsville,
MA with several satellite facilities in other states. It closed in 1990
amid serious scandals including financial irregularities and allegations
of sexual abuse against priest founder, Fr. Thomas Kane. So Fr. Rossetti
has worked at two treatment centers founded by homosexuals. Both released
abusers back into the community who abused again.
***Germaine Grisez and Fr. John Harvey have questions for Fr. Rossetti
as well: Germaine Grisez, professor of Christian Ethics
at Mt. St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg, MD finds Rossetti’s opinions
on homosexual priests a problem. In his Submission to the Ad Hoc Committee
on Sex Abuse, Grisez quotes Rossetti, “The majority of perpetrators
are involved with postpubescent children. All things being equal, they
are more amenable to treatment. One of their goals is to develop satisfying
relationships with age-appropriate peers.” As Grisez points out,
“In other words, men who have engaged in criminal sexual behavior
with adolescent boys and young men can be treated effectively, because
no change in sexual orientation is necessary. Such men…are homosexuals
who have found underage partners attractive and conveniently available,
and have been willing to commit crimes. With treatment, they can stop
committing crimes and enjoy ‘satisfying relationships with age-appropriate
peers.’ ‘Age-appropriate’ is a telling statement. Priests
should and usually do enjoy satisfying nonsexual relationships with many
of their spiritual children, from the cradle to the grave. Only unchaste
relationships must be limited to age-appropriate peers – to consenting
adults. Rossetti apparently considers that limitation a successful treatment
outcome.” [Fr. Rossetti says homosexuality is not a problem.]
Fr. John Harvey, founder of COURAGE (a support group
for those with same sex attraction who desire to live a chaste Catholic
life), also questions Fr. Rossetti. [Good luck getting an answer.]
“Grisez regards Rossetti as justifying such adult homosexual relationships
by priests who formerly were involved with teenagers. Rossetti needs to
clarify his position. One wonders why he uses the word ‘perpetrators’
when he is referring to homosexual priests.” [Fr. Rossetti says
homosexuality is not a problem.]
***Why Rossetti? Why now? The timing of Rossetti’s
invitation is interesting in view of the diocesan controversy over “safe
environments” for kids and the recent leap onto the VIRTUS bandwagon.
According to the VIRTUS website, Rossetti is an “expert” adviser.
Is his invitation all about building the case for VIRTUS’ classroom
program? Bishop Loverde announced Rossetti’s selection to keynote
the convocation in a November 22 letter to the priests after several heated
clergy meetings on Good Touch Bad Touch (GTBT). Opposition from both clergy
and laity sank GTBT, but the bishop has repeatedly said he WILL have a
classroom program for little ones as young as Kindergarten despite Church
teaching on the inviolability of the latency period and a statement by
Kathleen McChesney, Director of the Office of Child and Youth Protection
that classroom programs are NOT mandated by the bishop’s charter.
Rossetti is a natural ally in propagandizing for these
programs although he did not address safe environment issues at the convocation.
[There’s always another day, another time.] When the bishop
and chancery officials said parents shouldn't teach their children because
they "might be abusers" they expressed the opinion of the sex
abuse industry including Fr. Rossetti who considers everyone a latent
pedophile, especially mothers.
***Yikes! Did Rossetti say that? Yes indeed! In
the article entitled "Salt for their Wounds” [posted on
our website] author Leslie Payne provided this appalling information:
“In the introductory essay that opens his book, “The Myth
of the Child Molester” (which was written before he came to St.
Luke's), Father Rossetti suggests that most people have pedophiliac urges,
but are able to repress them. [Sounds like Kinsey.] He believes
that most instances of pedophilia are never discovered [If they’re
“never discovered” how do you know they happened?], and
this is especially true of the pedophiliac acts committed by women. Rossetti
is particularly suspicious of mothers, explaining that it is ‘easier
for a mother in our society to disguise inappropriate contact with youngsters
as maternal acts of cleaning, grooming, and dressing.’”
[Rossetti’s book featuring this essay is Slayer of the Soul:
Child Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church.]
While Rossetti’s offensive opinion may raise questions
about his relationship with his own mother, it is not likely to increase
parents’ trust of Church authorities who consider him an “expert.”
[There’s that word again. What makes someone an expert on sex
abuse – working at two treatment centers founded by homosexuals
that released abusers back to an unsuspecting public?] Targeting families
instead of those who committed abuse, i.e., homosexual priests, seems
to be a politically correct diversionary tactic. Dioceses around the country
are requiring tens of thousands of employees and volunteers to be fingerprinted
and get criminal background checks. Imagine all parochial school and CCD
teachers, playground aides, cafeteria workers (mostly moms) getting the
third degree treatment. [Just the facts, ma’am.] Sounds like
airport security who body search little old ladies while letting Arab
men in turbans pass right through the checkpoint. Homosexuals aren’t
the problem, says Fr. Rossetti and the sex “experts.” It’s
moms bathing their children. Meanwhile parishes close as money is diverted
to the expanding “safe environment” bureaucracy. [There’s
only one appropriate response to this nonsense, but ladies don’t
talk like that.]
***Heretic, New Age Occultist and Terrorist? Les
Femmes reviewed a handout of the slides Fr.
Rossetti used to accompany his talks and spoke to several priests who
attended. Interspersed with facts and surveys on priest attitudes, challenges,
job satisfaction, etc. were quotes. Pope John Paul II, Bishop Wilton Gregory,
and Cardinal Angelo Sodano shared the screen with Carl Jung (new age occultic
psychologist), Peter Steinfels (dissenter to Humanae Vitae who approves
of the separation of sexual intercourse from procreation which led to
the abominations of contraception, abortion, and sodomy), Meister Eckhardt
(13th century pantheist philosopher whose heretical teachings were condemned
by Pope John XXII), Nelson Mandela (advocate of violent overthrow of government),
Dag Hammarskjold (U.N. globalist who crafted Sweden’s law creating
the welfare state), and Teddy Roosevelt. Strange choices for a retreat
on the “joy of the priesthood.” The Catholic tradition is
rich with holy priest saints like St. Jean Vianney, St. Padre Pio [to
whom Fr. Rossetti claims particular devotion.] St. Francis deSales,
St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. John Bosco, St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Dominic,
etc. Is a 13th century heretical monk the best Fr. Rossetti could come
up with? One priest described the meeting saying it was, “nothing
great; nothing really bad. Pray and be happy. Smile more, and all that.”
[Ah…the self-esteem workshop. Look in the mirror, smile, and
say, “I’m worth it.” Dare we call it psycho-babble?]
A few questions: Whose idea was it to invite Fr. Rossetti?
Since there are so many orthodox priests without his baggage why wasn’t
one of them chosen? Our short list: Fr. Robert Bradley, Msgr. Michael
Wrenn, Msgr.William Smith, Fr. Joseph Wilson, or Fr. George Rutler.
of Contents