This page provides "snapshots" of good and bad news in the Diocese of Arlington and other dioceses around the country. If you have an item you'd like to see on the Diocese Watch page send it to the webmaster for consideration. |
these websites for information about the state of their dioceses:
Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, PA— www.dioceseaj.com/
Diocese of Burlington, VT— www.dotmvt.org/
Diocese of Fresno, CA — www.fresnodiocesewatch.com/
Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA— www.crcoa.com/
Archdiocese of Louisville, KY— www.catholics-in-action.org/
Archdiocese of Louisville, KY— www.kentuckycatholiceye.com/
of Oakland, CA — www.supportourdiocese.com/supportourdiocese.htm
Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. — www.Restore-DC-Catholicism.com
Archdiocese of Minneapolis/St. Paul and the Diocese of Winona — www.docsociety.org/
VA - Arlington
Pastor Removed From Post After Arrest
Authorities said some obscene acts on federal land along
the GW Parkway in Arlington landed a priest in jail. The alleged incident
took place in June, but the Catholic Diocese of Arlington is just finding
out about it. Franciscan friar the Rev. John J. Marino, 52, has spent
time in jail, lost his post as pastor at St. Francis of Assisi and is
barred from several parks .... more
VA - Sex Expert
Is Bad Choice for Priests' Convocation
A major factor in the U.S. bishops' mishandling of priestly
sex abuse was their reliance on a clique of "experts" whose
psycho-sexual babble subverted the truth. Many of those "experts"
have links to Alfred Kinsey whose experimental data was gathered using
pedophiles and criminals who raped and molested little children including
infants. To read Judith Reisman's expose of Kinsey is to see the diabolical
in action. .... more
VA - Salt for Their Wounds
- St. Luke Institute & Fr. Rosetti
One of the problems with the bishops is the "experts" on whom
they rely. This month in the Diocese of Arlington, Bishop Paul Loverde
is bringing in Fr. Steve Rosetti, head of the St. Luke Institute, to conduct
a MANDATORY workshop for priests. While the article below was written
in 1997 there is little indication that things at St. Luke have changed
.... more
Louisville, KY - St. William Church Makes Archdiocese of Louisville a Laughingstock Dear Ms. Benton, I happened to visit your website and really enjoyed reading all the interesting items. I am, however, still trying to figure out exactly what denomination you are. I thought St. William was a Catholic Church, but I must have been mistaken. .... more
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN - If High Ranking Priests Don't Resign Dirty Laundry will be Publicly Aired During Lent It seems like all hell is breaking loose in the archdiocese of St. Paul - Minneapolis. In recent weeks 27 priests signed a petition against Archbishop Harry Flynn's backing for a measure to protect the traditional definition of marriage . .... more
Richmond, VA - Does Bishop DiLorenzo Pass the Smell Test? Last January Bishop Francis DiLorenzo of Richmond was notified that Catholic Charities had scheduled an abortion for a sixteen-year-old in their care for the next day. He did nothing to stop it. Why? His advisors told him there was nothing he could do and he meekly complied. .... more
Tucson, AZ - Holy Family Society letter to Bishop Gerald Kicanas, Diocese of Tucson and Bishop William Skylstad, President USCCB Can you see the baby Jesus lying in the manger? Can you see His tiny little body and His innocent little wide eyes looking up at you? Can you see the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph raising Him up in God’s ways, teaching Him, working with Him as He grew from that tiny little baby into a toddler, and through the various stages of His life until He became a young man? What graphic names do you suppose they taught Him about His body parts? .... more
Commentary on the Bishops' November 2004 Meeting
The U. S. bishops' November meeting ended yesterday. In line with the
unbroken tradition of the Vice President rising to the post, Bishop William
Skylstad of Spokane, Washington was elected to succeed Wilton Gregory
as head of the USCCB. more
Bishops Speak on Giving Communion to Manifest Public Sinners
Twelve Step Program for Bishops
Bishop Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, offers
twelve simple rules enabling bishops to effectively remedy the continuing
scandal of Catholics publicly bearing false witness to the teaching of
the Church.
Pastoral Letter On the Duties of Catholic Politicians and Voters
Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs has issued a pastoral letter
stating that American Catholics should not receive Communion if they vote
for politicians who defy church teaching by supporting abortion rights,
same-sex marriage, euthanasia or stem-cell research.
Michael J. Sheridan Responds to His Critics
Bishop Sheridan doesn't back down: Pro-abortion politicians
are no worse than the pro-abortion voters who elect them to office.
Les Femmes Inc., 1216 Mill
Rd. Woodstock, VA 22664. |